
サッポロ・シティ・ジャズ パークジャズライブコンテスト優勝バンド5組がシンガポールで開催されるジャズフェス”Jazz in July”に出演!


コロナの影響により延期となっていた期間を含む2019年~2023年の優勝バンド5組が、今夏7月にシンガポールで開催される『Jazz in July 2024』に2週にわたり出演することが決定しました!

『Jazz in July 2024』は7月の1カ月に渡り、国内外のジャズミュージシャンが出演する無料のライブなどが連日開催される華やかなジャズフェスティバル。


Five champion bands of Park Jazz Live Contest will perform at “Jazz in July” Festival in Singapore!

The champion band of the Park Jazz Live Contest is awarded the right to perform at overseas jazz festivals.
The five champion bands from 2019 to 2023 (some of which had to postpone their performances at overseas jazz festivals due to the coronavirus) will perform at “Jazz in July” in Singapore on July 20 and 27 this summer!
“Jazz in July” is a splendid jazz festival that is held in July and includes free live performances by national and international jazz musicians.
Five bands selected from all over Japan will promote “Sapporo City Jazz” to the world.

①RS Piano Trio <2020年 優勝>
②Don Kururi <2022年 優勝>
③Y.N.Q. <2023年 優勝>
④Mongoloid Union <2019年 優勝>
⑤草田一駿 五重奏体系 <2021年 優勝>
①RS Piano Trio <2020 champion>
②Don Kururi <2022 champion>
③Y.N.Q. <2023 champion>
④Mongoloid Union <2019 champion>
⑤Kazutoshi Sohta Quintet <2021 champion>
①7月20日(土)17:00 Esplanade Concourse
②7月20日(土)19:15  DBS Foundation Outdoor Theatre at Esplanade
③7月20日(土)20:45  DBS Foundation Outdoor Theatre at Esplanade
④7月27日(土)19:15  DBS Foundation Outdoor Theatre at Esplanade
⑤7月27日(土)20:45  DBS Foundation Outdoor Theatre at Esplanade
Date / Time / Venue
①20 Jul 2024, Sat, 5pm Esplanade Concourse
②20 Jul 2024, Sat, 7.15pm DBS Foundation Outdoor Theatre at Esplanade
③20 Jul 2024, Sat, 8.45pm DBS Foundation Outdoor Theatre at Esplanade
④27 Jul 2024, Sat, 7.15pm DBS Foundation Outdoor Theatre at Esplanade
⑤27 Jul 2024, Sat, 8.45pm DBS Foundation Outdoor Theatre at Esplanade
料金 (Fee)
無料 (Free)
主催 (Host)
The Esplanade Co Ltd

①RS Piano Trio

RS Piano Trio <2020年 パークジャズライブコンテスト優勝>

Rieko Sobajima (pf), Yuta Omino (b), Takuya Ichinari (dr)

[RS Piano Trioプロフィール]
2020年Sapporo City Jazz PARK JAZZ LIVE CONTESTにて初出場ながらグランプリを獲得する。

[RS Piano Trio Profile]
This Piano Trio with a beautiful bebop sound was formed in 2018, and features pianist Sobajima's original compositions as well as his interpretations of Jazz Standards. That same year, the trio held their first show in Tokyo, for which tickets sold out immediately, and they have been actively holding live shows around Japan since then. In November 2019, the band performed a solo show in Taipei to a full house. The following year, although it was their first time participating in the contest, the band has won the Grand Prix at the "Sapporo City Jazz Park Jazz Live Contest" 2020. Since then, they performed in Hokkaido in March 2022 and in Kyoto in July 2022, and are currently recording for a new album planned to be released in Summer 2024.

Jazz in July オフィシャルサイト

②Don Kururi

Don Kururi <2022年 パークジャズライブコンテスト優勝>

Takuya Kohashi(gt), Takayuki Sato(sax), Ryohei Harashima(dr)

[Don Kururiプロフィール]
Gt.小橋拓弥、Sax.佐藤敬幸 Dr.原島燎平のベースレストリオ。
2021年、東京証券取引所にて「JAZZ EMP at Tokyo Financial Street2021」に出演。
2022年、「Sapporo City Jazz PARK JAZZ LIVE CONTEST」にてグランプリを獲得。
2024年、1st EPリリース予定。

[Don Kururi Profile]
With Takuya Kohashi on guitar, Takayuki Sato on saxophone, and Ryohei Harashima on the drums, this bassless trio began performing together since their reunion in 2020 after gradutating from Senzoku Gakuen College of Music.
While they keep striving for relentless innovation and change through improvisation in each member’s original compositions, they respect each other’s commitment to their individual music and continue to pursue their own unique ensemble.
After performing at the "JAZZ EMP at Tokyo Financial Street 2021" at the Tokyo Stock Exchange, they won the grand prix at the Sapporo City Jazz Park Jazz Live Contest in 2022, and are now working on their 1st EP scheduled to be released this year.

Jazz in July オフィシャルサイト


Y.N.Q. <2023年 パークジャズライブコンテスト優勝>

Yuki Nakane(t.sax), Taishi Nonomura(pf), Yuta Kimura(b), Yota Tsukada(dr)

“Jazz Is Not Dead”の標語を掲げ、早稲⽥⼤学モダンジャズ研究会出⾝の中根佑紀(t.sax)を筆頭に、2023年に結成されたプロジェクト。野々村⼤志(pf, key), ⽊村優太(b), 塚⽥陽太(dr)からなるオーソドックスなワンホーンカルテット。
昨年 7 ⽉に開催された、Sapporo City Jazz PARK JAZZ LIVE CONTEST にて最優秀賞受賞。

[Y.N.Q. Profile]
Led by the tenor-saxophonist Yuki Nakane, an alumnus of Waseda University and its Modern Jazz Society, the project was formed in 2023 under the motto "Jazz Is Not Dead”.
The band forms an orthodox one-horn quartet with Taishi Nonomura on keys, Yuta Kimura on bass, and Yota Tsukada on the drums.
The quartet has been challenging the boundaries of modern jazz with the main theme of whether or not it can still be modern in today's world.
Although the members all have different backgrounds, musical tastes, and places of activity, the ensemble that they form is exceptional, and their love for jazz can be felt in their unforgettable performances.
In July 2023, the group won the Grand Prix at the Sapporo City Jazz Park Jazz Live Contest.

Jazz in July オフィシャルサイト

④Mongoloid Union

Mongoloid Union <2019年 パークジャズライブコンテスト優勝>

Bunta Otsuki(gt), Takuma Ota(key), Hiroto Yabumoto(b), Mamoru Ishizawa(dr)

[Mongoloid Unionプロフィール]
2017年、東京都内を中心に活動を開始。1st EP ”Circle”や、Live Album”Live at Mahoroza”は頭脳的かつエモーショナルなサウンド、キャッチーで温かいメロディが織りなす独特なグルーヴで話題となる。
2019年にはSapporo City Jazz PARK JAZZ LIVE CONTESTに出場。高い演奏力と作曲力、息の合った バンドサウンドを評価され、最優秀賞を獲得した。
2020年には2nd EP ”Unreported Leftovers”を、2023年には1st full album"Drowning"をリリース。Spotify公式プレイリストに選出されるなど、注目を集め続けている。

[Mongoloid Union Profile]
A Jazz Fusion Band formed by Bunta Otsuki and Takuma Ota, the members have been gaining attention for their high-performance skills and support for other artists in their performances.
Since moving to Tokyo in 2017, they have released their 1st EP “Circle” and their Live Album "Live at Mahoroza", which became a hit thanks to their unique groove of intelligent and emotional sounds combined with catchy and warm melodies.
In 2019, they participated in the "Sapporo City Jazz Park Jazz Live Contest" and won the Grand Prix. The band's high performance, compositional ability, and well-matched band sound were highly praised.
They released their 2nd EP "Unreported Leftovers" in 2020, and their 1st full album "Drowning" in 2023, which has been selected for Spotify's official playlist and continues to attract attention.

Jazz in July オフィシャルサイト

⑤草田一駿 五重奏体系(Kazutoshi Sohta Quintet)

草田一駿 五重奏体系 <2021年 パークジャズライブコンテスト優勝>

草田一駿 (pf)、朝田拓馬 (gt)、窪田想士 (vib)、宮地遼 (b)、井口なつみ (dr)
Kazutoshi Sohta (pf), Takuma Asada (gt), Soshi Kubota (vib), Ryo Miyachi (b), Natsumi Inokuchi (dr)

[草田一駿 五重奏体系プロフィール]
ピアニスト、コンポーザーである草田一駿のリーダープロジェクトとして、2020年に結成。2020、2021年に2年連続でフジロックフェスティバルに出演。2022年6月、1st アルバム「Flumina」をリリース、9月に東京・丸の内コットンクラブを含む初の全国7ヶ所リリースツアーを開催。

[Kazutoshi Sohta Quintet Profile]
Formed in 2020 by the pianist and composer Kazutoshi Sohta, the band performed at Fuji Rock festival for two consecutive years in 2020 and 2021.
In June 2022, they released their first album “Flumina”, and in the following September, they embarked on their first nationwide 7-city release tour which included the Marunouchi Cotton Club in Tokyo.

Jazz in July オフィシャルサイト